Hello! This is my commission information page!
Before you commission, you have to read my Terms of Service page, where you can find the description of my workflow when taking a commission, as well as the kind of things I am and am not willing to draw! Also the Terms of usage of the final pieces, etc.
Commission Information

Detailed Information + Galleries
You can also find the Prices Chart Page! where I explain in more detail in what each type of commission consists, as well as an example and a small gallery of examples for each item!
There is also the Contact page, where you can look the sites I'm more active and a direct mail to message me if you don't want to use social media to communicate!
Finally you can find the Galleries Link, where you can find an Index with many pages I use as art galleries if you want to see more artwork examples!

Prices → Let me know what you'd like!
Galleries → More arts you can check out!