Commission Price Chart & Styles

Hello! Here you can find the commission prices, details and a link to small example galleries!
Before you commission, you have to read my Terms of Service page, where you can find the description of my workflow when taking a commission, as well as the kind of things I am and am not willing to draw! Also the Terms of usage of the final pieces, etc.

Commission Information



Price: $35. Extra: $25

Detail depends on the character requested. Includes simple or plain background. You can ask for details to be kept at the time of stylizing a chibi from a detailed reference or you can ask for details to be omited as well! Some examples include even chibier drawings next to other chibies for no extra cost. The chibis can be posed together or separated when asking for more than one character, all details regarding poses, interactions, expressions, etc are done as requested by the commissioner.



Price: $50. Extra: $40

Character drawn from head to chest, some busts can include half bodies depending on the action wanted by commissioner. Main focus is the character’s face and expression. Includes simple background or none if requested. The busts can be posed together or separated when asking for more than one character, all details regarding poses, interactions, expressions, etc are done as requested by the commissioner.

Full Body


Price: $65. Extra: $50

Main focus of this illustrations is to show the character posing in full body. Characters can be posed together when adding more than one. No detailed background or complex composition, if commissioner requests a complex backgound it becomes a full illustration. Simple/plain background is included, this means the character(s) will be posing over a white background, textured background or simple color background. Small elements that are bound to characters are allowed tho! (Like for example, a book on the floor, a plushie, flower, weapon, etc, on the characters hand is ok! Also the characters posing with their object is ok. But remember, no overly complex compositions here.

Full Illustration


Price: $150. Extra: $60

Main focus of this artwork is to draw a complex composition with many details and background. Includes two (2) characters. This type of commission work can also be composed by other styles, for example a complex composition with a chibi style group. Feel free to contact me with the details if you are interested on more complex artwork.

Character Sheet


Base Price: $100. Sticker sheet work: $50 (includes production, shipping and preparing the stickers).

Sheet filled with many headshots and chibis of a character. Base price includes 4 chibi poses and 2 headshot close ups (six (6) drawings total). Extra drawings up the base price depending on the detail wanted. Now also open to draw character sheets to serve as personalized sticker sheets! The details can be talked about with commissioner regarding printing and sending stickers printed by either me or an independet studio. (Sticker sheets not for reselling, the objective is to give the commissioner a physical personalized sticker sheet for themselves. Sticker sheets would be printed on waterproof material.



Base Price: $250.

Commissioner provides concept of the character they want created. Can also create gijinkas of existing non-human characters or creation of furry versions of human characters!. Includes front, back, side poses + 3 expressions + close up to details.



3 types of sketches! 2 kofi headshot sketch 3 kofi chibi fullbody sketch 6 kofi fullbody sketch




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